The Bobby Blackwolf Show Episode 661: May 12, 2019


Turmoil At ESA, Variety Gaming Shutting Down

  • The show begins with me not getting the connection between "Happy Earthbound Day" and "Happy Mother's Day" and there was no way for me to edit it out to save me the embarrassment. (Get it? Earthbound is from the Mother series? I didn't until right after going off the air...)
  • I saw Pokemon Detective Pikachu and give no spoilers, but tell you what I thought about the movie in general.
  • Variety Gaming, a site that does actual journalism about the video game industry with investigations and everything, is closing down after E3.
  • Speaking of E3, there's turmoil at the Entertainment Software Association and the future of E3 is in doubt.
  • Then we take calls about the FF7 Remake and the Phoenix Wright trilogy being accessible.

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