The Bobby Blackwolf Show Episode 382: May 5, 2013


Interview with Emeric Thoa about Combo Crew, Game Dev Tycoon Piracy

  • Indie studio Green Heart Games released their first game, Game Dev Tycoon, this past week and did a social experiment with game pirates that turned into a brilliant marketing ploy. We also look at if it is a direct ripoff of Game Dev Story.
  • The creators of internet memes Keyboard Cat and Nyan Cat have sued Warner Bros over the unauthorized use of their intellectual property in Scribblenauts. The creators claim that it's no different than licensing Nintendo characters.
  • Our final interview from PAX East is with Emeric Thoa from The Game Bakers, talking about their upcoming touchscreen beatemup Combo Crew.
  • Then, OLR and Bobby talk about the next year of VOG (we turned one year old this week!) and the OUYA.

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