The Bobby Blackwolf Show Episode 145: April 27, 2008


Aaron Schurman of Phantom EFX, Mario Kart Wii

  • Tonight�s live interview is with Aaron Schurman, CEO of Phantom EFX, discussing the Real Deal Casino suite of PC games and teasing about their upcoming PC FPS Darkest of Days. Don�t gloss this one over just because it�s about gambling - you might just be interested!
  • Then we discuss our early impressions of two recently released Wii games - Battle of the Bands and Mario Kart Wii.
  • We then take callers about the Wheel and about the elephant in the room we attempted to avoid talking about (since the game had not come out yet) Grand Theft Auto IV.
  • You have until Sunday to enter into our contest to win a limited edition GTA4 themed Xbox 360 Elite courtesy of All Games Radio and The Gamerscore Blog!

Download The MP3! - 21MB, 59 minutes 14 seconds

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